My Goal

To get back into writing, I am working on this blog. I have missed writing for far too long, and will keep this updated. I will cover current events on the world's landscape. I may also publish some poetry and other nonfiction work from time to time.

Friday, April 9, 2010

I cannot believe we are still fighting this fight

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I found this story on CNN this morning, and my link is obviously from Yahoo News.

In my mind, I am shocked that a fight like this still exists. I thought several health and psychological studies, along with sociological work had already found what works better.

I guess the argument will still loom.

The opponents that wish for abstinence-only education are signaling the long-time battle cry that the less teenagers know, the better for them.

I cannot help but wonder what thoughts these people hold for information coming from our government. Sure, it may be a thought coming completely from left field. I'll admit that. I, however, am not of the belief that ignorance is bliss. I believe that knowledge is power. I would love for the citizens to know all the workings of the government to better exercise their votes. This is, without censorship and all of that.

I feel a similar concept applies here. Teenagers typically want to test a variety of boundaries, especially when told 'no.' When told no repeatedly, it only makes them want the action more, in combination with raging hormones. Knowledge would clear up misconceptions and myths about sex that consume the teenage mind. The knowledge promotes smarter action.

I could understand the hesitance if teachers were crossing levels of education, such as going so far as discussing sexual positions. This is rarely the case for a sexual education course.

I grew up in an environment that promoted knowledge. My twin brother and I received condoms from our parents on our 16th birthday. This 'present' followed the notion that they would rather us wait for sexual activity until marriage. However, they realize that things can happen and would rather us be safe than sorry.

I would rather the greater America be safe than sorry. Schools and parents must work together to make sure kids are getting all the knowledge they need. Some homes are not as informative as the one I came from. Kids need to learn one way or another about safe sex practices. Just telling them to wait will not do the trick. It will only stir curiosity. An expanded curriculum gives them power.

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