My Goal

To get back into writing, I am working on this blog. I have missed writing for far too long, and will keep this updated. I will cover current events on the world's landscape. I may also publish some poetry and other nonfiction work from time to time.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Since I've been a little lackluster...

I am fully planning on putting up a couple real posts later in the week. To come: Information from Coffee Party meetings, and new story commentary. What can I say? I've been a little busy bee. That just means I have more to share with you.

For now, I feel compelled so share some linkage with you. These stories are catching my eye. If you didn't know about them, I hope I've sparked your interest.

This seems very homophobic. I don't really like how this was written, an am glad that a few have spoken out about it.

Everyone needs a little amusement. Heres's something I found.

I dig other blogs too! Here's one I've stumbled upon.

I'm slightly engrossed by Glee right now. I'm a total Gleek, to be fair.

I agree completely! This seems to overstep a horrible boundary!

Hopefully these were tasty for you. Let me know what you think!

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