My Goal

To get back into writing, I am working on this blog. I have missed writing for far too long, and will keep this updated. I will cover current events on the world's landscape. I may also publish some poetry and other nonfiction work from time to time.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Journey to Selflessness

I used to just be
concerned with me
It's not that I didn't
care about others
at all
Its just that I
was always concerned
with how things
affected me
Then, after seeing
that I was doing
no good
being bitter and mad
at the world
for my decisions
and current situations
I decided I didn't want
to be angry anymore
I wanted to be
happy and positive
When you try to
put the best foot forward
and do your utmost
best to make sure
that those around you
are happy
That is when you find
Its not to say
you stop thinking and
making decisions about
But your world expands
so that the total
situation and people
are considered
I have a couple people
to thank for that
who aided in the journey
I think the main part
of the journey
was finding someone
who truly and completely
loves me for all
that I am
with all that he is

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Looking Within

For the longest time
I was only concerned
with what everyone
else thought
what everyone else
wanted me to be
Whether it was
my peers or
making my parents happy
No matter what I did
I couldnt seem to
find a balance
I somewhere decided
that being what
everyone else wanted
was better
But now
I have fully found my
way back
I'm not seeking out some
standard of operation
I'm just happy being me
or at least the
me that I know
And learning more
about myself
I can honestly say
I haven't been happier
I just need to continue
to look within

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Change/Coming to terms/???

It's funny how things change
how people grow
and some people stay
the same
Its also funny
to see parts of you
in other people
A former crush
of mine is getting
married soon
Weve kept in lose touch
over the past few
I've let him go
and let the friendship or
acquaintance grow
and found someone that
is far better for me
Than he could be then
or probably even now
Its also funny to realize
how much I've changed since
then and how
similar his soon-to-be wife
I'm a lot more mature now
and have more direction
with my life
I also am a lot less
self-centered than
I used to be.
Its almost funny:
at one time I hated her
simply out of green-eyed
Now I could see that she
could be, very easily
one of my friends
But that is because
I am older now
I've found my inner beauty
and then some
I can also see
the both of them too
I sometimes ponder
why I meet the people
I meet and why
some of them keep
in contact
and others just fade
away with the sunlight
at the end of the night
I think that we can learn a
lesson from everyone
Some lessons take longer
to learn
and some are meant to
be in our lives forever
All of which we
have no part in choosing.

Monday, May 31, 2010

poetic ramblings

"Journey of Happiness"

Sometimes I wonder
Just how did I
Get here?
I could have never
guessed that I could
be happy.
I thought I was
sentenced to be
the girl faking it.
The girl seeking out the
happiness that others
The girl that continuously
sought out happiness
without fully knowing how to
What I thought was happiness
was just a cloak of soulless hedonism.
I hadn't looked deep within
for the constant feeling
that was necessary, yet
out of reach.
Until, I made a change.
At the time it was unconscious.
I had simply decided to change locations.
Suddenly and ever so slightly,
my horizon changed.
I suddenly felt as
though I had all the
power in the world.
My old insecurities seemed to
slip away.
I was able to escape the
identity that I had somehow
foraged a way to create
and start
I got to find a way back
to my roots.
To the person I had always
known, but somehow
had left me far behind.
Because my spirit became
I was able to find true
inner peace and love.
I also finally
found someone who
respected and loved me
I have no other way to
describe it other
than I am truly
blessed and happy.
Inner peace and love
combined with someone who
can find beauty where
you can't 100 pecent
see all of it
is truly amazing.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The latest battle: business owners

I am currently trying to write a story about a business owner who is opening up a new business.

As far as I know, and logic can dictate, he would want the publicity. Publicity would only draw customers in. It would bring out the curious customers who do not happen to hear about he restaurant. I would find that a little bit hard to believe that people haven't heard about it, since I am writing about a small town. Nonetheless, I am trying just to do an informative article with hope of a feature angle.

This is still proving a struggle.

At the moment, I am playing phone tag. A scheduled call (since I am without transportation for the moment) wasn't even quite enough.

I am trying to be understanding. I can't imagine owning a business being an easy venture. I'm sure plenty stress exists without a journalist trying to call and take up valuable time.

However, I am getting increasingly frustrated and irritated. I see this as a simple story that I should be able to get done. I can't foresee the interview taking much more than 20 minutes.

Does anyone know of any tips?

I am determined to interview this gentleman. The funny thing is that, as of yet, I've yet to know his name, much less how I will spell it in my article.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Since I've been a little lackluster...

I am fully planning on putting up a couple real posts later in the week. To come: Information from Coffee Party meetings, and new story commentary. What can I say? I've been a little busy bee. That just means I have more to share with you.

For now, I feel compelled so share some linkage with you. These stories are catching my eye. If you didn't know about them, I hope I've sparked your interest.

This seems very homophobic. I don't really like how this was written, an am glad that a few have spoken out about it.

Everyone needs a little amusement. Heres's something I found.

I dig other blogs too! Here's one I've stumbled upon.

I'm slightly engrossed by Glee right now. I'm a total Gleek, to be fair.

I agree completely! This seems to overstep a horrible boundary!

Hopefully these were tasty for you. Let me know what you think!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

the current climate

I've been to several recent meetings of a political nature. I walked away with a new prospective. I suppose its not really a new prospective, just something that was enhanced by people I ran into. It is also something that poses an interesting question for me.

The public really doesn't trust many, if any at all, American journalists.

This is not something new to me, but something I suppose I had pushed out of my mind slightly.

One claim is the amount of bias and propaganda. The people I listened to say they miss the objectivity of a newscast from yesteryear. Today has too much political leaning for anything to be considered free of bias. Some networks are even known for their leaning, even though I will not name names. Some of that has been explained by the nature of journalism as a business.

It would also seem, from their viewpoint that many reporters are shying away from being hard-hitting. Many of them, for whatever reason, are not doing big investigative pieces. Many of them are being pushed away from those. As a tiny amount of insight, that could be coming from the upper level. It isn't necessarily about what story sells the most ( although I'm sure sometimes that is the case). It may be that its about money in the sense of salary. Many newspapers don't have time, money or people to expend toward investigative pieces. Ergo, a lot of press release, fed from mouth of political agenda person, gets put out as news.

I would, as some other people, like to see hunger for facts and fact-checking. Many people argue that has gone away.

Another argument was what gets coverage by the media. This is something I've written about before. It seems as though the level of newsworthiness has changed from what it used to be. Rallies in Springfield don't get coverage, but other things like Tiger Woods do. It doesn't seem as though many stories about the wars of Irag and Afghanistan have been reported upon recently, either.

So, with all this criticism, one question remains for me. Since I love journalism and want to make it my career, how do I change this? What can I do to regain the public's trust, and become all the things that I strive for?