My Goal

To get back into writing, I am working on this blog. I have missed writing for far too long, and will keep this updated. I will cover current events on the world's landscape. I may also publish some poetry and other nonfiction work from time to time.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Journey to Selflessness

I used to just be
concerned with me
It's not that I didn't
care about others
at all
Its just that I
was always concerned
with how things
affected me
Then, after seeing
that I was doing
no good
being bitter and mad
at the world
for my decisions
and current situations
I decided I didn't want
to be angry anymore
I wanted to be
happy and positive
When you try to
put the best foot forward
and do your utmost
best to make sure
that those around you
are happy
That is when you find
Its not to say
you stop thinking and
making decisions about
But your world expands
so that the total
situation and people
are considered
I have a couple people
to thank for that
who aided in the journey
I think the main part
of the journey
was finding someone
who truly and completely
loves me for all
that I am
with all that he is