My Goal

To get back into writing, I am working on this blog. I have missed writing for far too long, and will keep this updated. I will cover current events on the world's landscape. I may also publish some poetry and other nonfiction work from time to time.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Looking Within

For the longest time
I was only concerned
with what everyone
else thought
what everyone else
wanted me to be
Whether it was
my peers or
making my parents happy
No matter what I did
I couldnt seem to
find a balance
I somewhere decided
that being what
everyone else wanted
was better
But now
I have fully found my
way back
I'm not seeking out some
standard of operation
I'm just happy being me
or at least the
me that I know
And learning more
about myself
I can honestly say
I haven't been happier
I just need to continue
to look within